JULABO MA Heating Immersion Circulator User Manual
Page 28

Safety installations, warning functions
Over and Sub temperature warning function
Factory settings:
Over temperature
t High
205 °C
Sub temperature
t Low
-55 °C
If the observance of a working temperature value >t 3< has to be
supervised for a sensitive temperature application, then set over
and sub temperature warning values. In the example below the
setpoint >t 3< 85 °C is surrounded by the values >t High< 87 °C
and >t Low< 83 °C. The electronics immediately register if the
actual temperature breaches one of the set limit values. The
resulting reaction is defined in the menu item >Aty (ALARM-
TYPE)< refer to (page 27).
1. Press the key
2. By pressing the
key select the menu > tHigh <
or > tLow <.
3. Press the
key. The integer digits flash.
4. Change the values to 87. °C and/or 83. °C by pressing the
key and confirm with the
The decimal digits flash and can be adjusted if desired.
Confirm once more by pressing the
See above examples.
The warning functions are only activated if the actual bath
temperature remains within the set limit values for 3 seconds
after switch-on.
Set the over temperature warning value > t High < 5 °C to 10 °C
above the working temperature setpoint.
Set the sub temperature warning value > t Low < 5 °C to 10 °C
below the working temperature setpoint.