Heidolph ROTAVAC 20 User Manual
Page 19

Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 01-005-005-36-1
page 19 of 35
Translation of the original instructions
4.4 Attention: Important notes regarding the use of gas ballast
When using air rather than inert gas, risk of significant damage to equipment and/
or facilities, risk of personal injury or even loss of life exists due to the formation
of hazardous and/or explosive mixtures if air and pumped media react inside or
at the outlet of the pump.
+ Make sure that air/gas inlet through the gas ballast valve never leads to hazard-
ous, explosive or otherwise dangerous mixtures. If in doubt, use inert gas or close
gas ballast valve.
To reduce condensation in the pump, do not pump vapor be-
fore the pump has reached its operating temperature. Open
the gas ballast valve when pumping condensable vapors.
For condensable vapors (water vapor, solvents, etc.):
- The gas ballast valve is open if the arrow on the gas bal-
last cap is pointing towards the labelling ”GB”.
- With gas ballast valve open, the ultimate vacuum will be
- Use inert gas for gas ballast to avoid the formation of ex-
plosive mixtures.
- Close the gas ballast valve by turning the cap 180°.
In case of low boiling solvents (when the formation of condensate is unlikely), the
use of gas ballast might be unnecessary. Operating the pump without gas ballast
increases the solvent recovery rate at the exhaust waste vapor condenser.
4.5 Attention: Notes concerning the operation of the exhaust
waste vapor condenser
➨ Connect the exhaust to a suitable treatment plant to prevent the discharge of
dangerous gases and vapors to the surrounding atmosphere.
+ The gas outlet (hose nozzle 8-10 mm) must not be blocked. The exhaust pipeline
has always to be free and pressureless to enable an unhindered discharge of
+ Check the overpressure safety relief device at the exhaust waste vapor con-
denser regularly, replace if necessary. Check especially for conglutination and
• Ensure that the coolant outlet pipeline is always free and that it cannot get
• Maximum permissible coolant pressure at the exhaust waste vapor condenser:
6 bar (absolute).
• Comply with the maximum permissible coolant pressures of additional compo-
nents in the coolant circuit (e.g coolant valve).
• Install optional coolant valves always in the supply line of the waste vapor con-
denser only.
• Avoid overpressure in the coolant circuit (e.g. caused by blocked or squeezed
coolant hoses).