GeoDesy FSO Next series User Manual

Page 22

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GeoDesy Kft.
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6

Status info screen

Clicking on the Device Setup you will enter the main status information screen,
which will give you good summarized information of the device, such as status
information of the transmitters, detector level, or temperature values.

Laser ON: Transmitter transmitts

Laser OK: Transmitter works properly, transmit

Temperature: ambient temperature inside the device. These units were designed for
extreme conditions and should not have any problems under
unit is emitting some heat so the temperature displayed is not the air temperature
outside the head. For example the temperature can be
device it wont go below -1 or
was done device setup. The
value, which is 60C.

Detector level: shows the local heads received level. In volts, the maximum is 7 volts
and the minimum is 0.2 volts. The value will display error depeding on the setting
was done device setup.

Remote Detector level: this value is dispalyed form reception of the remote head.
The maximum is 7 volts and the minimum is 0.2 volts.

TP_Link: displays that there i

FSO Link: displays that there is valid sign

Remote is visible: this status information is a good information about the connection
over the two laserheads if this status is OK that means that there is data transferred
over the link.

Remote TP Link: shows that whether
and the TP interface is available.

PSU: The PSU of the device is sending the OK signal.

RX OK: this information is showing that the receiver is enabled. It basically means
that there is valid signal with

Telefon: 06

. 6-8.

E-mail: info@geodesy



Setup you will enter the main status information screen,

which will give you good summarized information of the device, such as status
information of the transmitters, detector level, or temperature values.

: Transmitter transmitts

nsmitter works properly, transmitts and the transmitted signal is valid.

Temperature: ambient temperature inside the device. These units were designed for
extreme conditions and should not have any problems under -20C to 70C. In fact the

some heat so the temperature displayed is not the air temperature

outside the head. For example the temperature can be -10C outside but in the

1 or -2. The value will display error depeding on the setting

was done device setup. There is no default value for this setting, only a suggested

shows the local heads received level. In volts, the maximum is 7 volts

and the minimum is 0.2 volts. The value will display error depeding on the setting

Remote Detector level: this value is dispalyed form reception of the remote head.
The maximum is 7 volts and the minimum is 0.2 volts.

TP_Link: displays that there is connection over the TP cable.

displays that there is valid signal received from the remote end.

Remote is visible: this status information is a good information about the connection
over the two laserheads if this status is OK that means that there is data transferred

Remote TP Link: shows that whether the remote end is connected into the switch
and the TP interface is available.

PSU: The PSU of the device is sending the OK signal.

RX OK: this information is showing that the receiver is enabled. It basically means
that there is valid signal with necessary strenght is received in the local end.

Telefon: 06-1-481-2050

Fax.: 06-1-481-2049

[email protected]

Setup you will enter the main status information screen,

which will give you good summarized information of the device, such as status
information of the transmitters, detector level, or temperature values.

ts and the transmitted signal is valid.

Temperature: ambient temperature inside the device. These units were designed for

20C to 70C. In fact the

some heat so the temperature displayed is not the air temperature

10C outside but in the

2. The value will display error depeding on the setting

re is no default value for this setting, only a suggested

shows the local heads received level. In volts, the maximum is 7 volts

and the minimum is 0.2 volts. The value will display error depeding on the setting

Remote Detector level: this value is dispalyed form reception of the remote head.

al received from the remote end.

Remote is visible: this status information is a good information about the connection
over the two laserheads if this status is OK that means that there is data transferred

the remote end is connected into the switch

RX OK: this information is showing that the receiver is enabled. It basically means

necessary strenght is received in the local end.