Ethercat address switches – ElmoMC ExtrIQ Gold Line Servo Drives-Gold Eagle User Manual

Page 58

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Gold Eagle Installation Guide

MAN-G-EAGIG-EC (Ver. 1.000)

||Communications (P4)|


Table of Contents

EtherCAT Address Switches

Figure 37 displays the switches available in the EtherCAT Version

Figure 37: EtherCAT Address Switches

The EtherCAT address switches sets the ECAT address (L is ADD low, H is ADD hi). Figure 37 above,
allow the user to define a unique node ID to a slave. The two rotary switches offer up to 255
addresses, with the 0 setting referring to No alias address.

The positions of the switches on the drive are shown in Figure 37. Use a screwdriver to set the low
and high bytes values of the drive EtherCAT address. This address is only retrieved after power-up.