Page 7 of 7 recording preset crossfade time, Playback of presets, Preset number 10 (off) - special function – Doug Fleenor Design PRE10-A User Manual
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A crossfade is a fade where the new preset levels entirely replace the previous levels. Each of the ten presets can have
its own unique crossfade tim e. Crossfade tim es default to two seconds.
Crossfade tim es range from a m inim um of 0 second to as m axim um of 999 seconds(16 Min., 39 Sec.).
Crossfade tim es can not be set while the Preset 10 is locked out (red LED is illum inated).
To enter a crossfade tim e:
Disconnect the Preset Ten from any DMX512 source.
Press the button of the preset you wish to edit. The GREEN preset indicator LED will illum inate.
Using a sm all blunt object (i.e. paper clip), depress the TIME SETTING MODE recessed button located adjacent
to the yellow LED indicator. The green indicator LED adjacent to the preset you selected to edit and the yellow
tim e LED will now flash. You will have ten seconds to set the crossfade tim e. If you decide after depressing the
TIME SETTING MODE button that you do not wish to m ake an edit sim ply wait 10 seconds or depress the TIME
SETTING MODE button a second tim e. No changes will have been m ade.
Enter the tim e in seconds using the PRESET SELECT buttons. Use PRESET SELECT button 10(OFF) to enter
a zero. (i.e. 120 seconds is entered by pressing PRESET SELECT button 1 followed by 2 then OFF). The tim e
setting com m and is com pleted by one of three m ethods:
Enter a three-digit tim e. The TIME SETTING MODE will exit upon the entry of the third digit. The GREEN
preset indicator LED will illum inate steadily and the yellow LED will go off indicating success. A one or two
digit tim e m ay be entered with leading zeros (i.e. five seconds as 005 or OFF, OFF, 5).
Enter a one or two digit tim e followed by pressing the TIME SETTING MODE button. The GREEN preset
indicator LED will illum inate steadily and the yellow LED will go off indicating success.
Enter a one or two digit tim e and wait for ten seconds for the tim e setting m ode to exit autom atically. The
GREEN preset indicator LED will illum inate steadily and the yellow LED will go off indicating success.
Presets can be played back in one of two ways, a crossfade to a static preset or an autofollow of all ten presets. A crossfade
is a change from the current preset to the newly selected one. The tim e taken to fade from the current preset to the new
preset is taken from the newly selected preset. O nce the fade has com pleted, it will rem ain in that preset (static) until another
preset is selected. W hen the autofollow m ethod of playback is used, once the fade tim e of the currently fading preset is
com pleted the next preset is autom atically selected.
To begin a crossfade between presets m om entarily press the preset select button of the preset you wish to play.
To begin autofollow of all ten presets, press and hold the preset select button of preset num ber 1 (approxim ately 5 seconds)
until all the LEDs flash once. O nce the fade tim e of a preset is com plete, the next preset will be selected autom atically. W hen
preset num ber 10(OFF) has been reached the next preset to be selected will be preset num ber 1.
To exit autofollow m om entarily press any preset select button.
If a static preset is playing at the tim e power is lost Preset 10 will return to that preset when power is restored. The
fade will begin with all 512 channels at 0% and fade up in the tim e recorded to that preset.
If the Preset 10 was in autofollow playback at the tim e power was lost, the Preset 10 will resum e autofollow playback
beginning with preset num ber 1.
To bypass unused presets in autofollow m ode, set the crossfade tim e for those presets to 999 seconds. This m eans
the longest autofollow fade tim e is 998 seconds.
W hen the levels stored in preset num ber 10(O FF) are all zeros a special function is enabled. W hen preset 10(OFF) is
selected and the crossfade has com pleted the Preset 10 will stop sending DM X512. By ending DMX512 transm ission, m any
m oving lights and dim m ing system s will enter their standby m ode. This feature can be disabled by recording any non-zero
level on any channel into preset num ber 10(OFF).