Doug Fleenor Design PRE10-A User Manual
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The Preset 10 Architectural is a lighting control station capable of storing up to ten presets. These presets are recorded by
capturing the output of a DMX512 console. Each preset can then be assigned a unique fade tim e, from 0 to 999 seconds.
Presets are recalled by pressing one of the buttons.
System s can be created by using one or m ore stations and a power supply. The solid alum inum faceplate is designed to install
over a standard single gang electrical box. Connections to the Preset 10 Architectural are power (2 wires) and DMX512 (3
wires). Power for the Preset 10 can be supplied from a variety of sources, including a 10V class 2 “doorbell” transform er.
The Preset 10 Architectural system can work in conjunction with a lighting console, autom atically switching between preset
and console control. W hen the console generates a DMX512 signal the Preset 10 Architectural goes off-line. The console then
operates norm ally. Upon loss of DMX512 from the console, the Preset 10 Architectural either returns to its pervious preset
or holds the last look (jum per selectable).
The Preset 10 system also com es in a portable version (m odel PRE10-P) that acts as a backup station for any DMX512 lighting
console or as a stand-alone DMX512 preset console.