Det-Tronics X2200 UV Flame Detector with HART User Manual

Page 16

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commAnd menu
The Command Menu allows the operator to initiate a manual Oi test and also to perform various reset/clear


1) start Passive oi

A passive Oi test command checks the cleanliness of the detector’s optical surfaces.

This calibrated Oi test confirms the ability of the detector to respond correctly to a UV

signal. Fire and fault relays as well as 4-20 mA current loop output are unaffected by

this test. A red LED signals a successful test, and an amber LED signals a failed test.

The general log will indicate either “Man Oi Pass” or “Man Oi Flt”.

2) start Active oi


An active Oi test generates an actual Fire Alarm Output. All fire response equipment
must be bypassed/disabled prior to testing to prevent unwanted output actuation.

An active Oi test performs an Oi test with all detector outputs fully operational. Fire

and fault relays as well as the 4-20mA loop are “live”.

If the test is successful:

Fire relay = Alarm.

Fault relay = no fault.

Current output is 20 mA.

LED turns red.

General log indicates “Man Oi Pass”.

If the test is unsuccessful:

Fire relay = No Alarm.

Fault relay = Fault.

Current output is 2 mA.

LED turns amber.

Fault log indicates “Man Oi Flt”.

3) clear oi Fault

If the cause of the fault has not been corrected, subsequent Oi faults will occur.

4) reset Latches

Latching relays are reset and LED turns green.

5) master reset

This function re-initializes the microprocessor, resets the operating software, and

initiates a hardware reset for both the sensor and the HART interface. Latched relays

are reset.

6) clear data Log

This function resets the HART data log history. To view the logs, go to “Device Info

Menu” and select “History Menu”.

7) hArt command menu

This menu performs various diagnostic and/or service functions.

Command Menu

1) Start Passive Oi
2) Start Active Oi
3) Clear Oi Fault
4) Reset Latches
5) Master Reset
6) Clear Data Log
7) HART Command Menu

X2200 Root Menu

1) Fire (Yes/No)
2) Fault (Yes/No)
3) Device Info Menu
4) Command Menu
5) Device Setup Menu