Det-Tronics X2200 UV Flame Detector with HART User Manual
Page 12
stAtus inFo menu
This menu (read only) shows extensive status information about the detector.
1) warmup (Y/n)
Device is in the power-up time delay (warm-up) mode.
2) Fire (Y/n)
Indicates “Y” if the device is in a fire alarm status — analog output is at 20 mA, fire
alarm relay is actuated and LED is red.
3) uv Alarm (Y/n)
Indicates "Y" if the UV detector is signaling an alarm.
4) uv Pre Alarm (Y/n)
Indicates "Y" if the UV detector is in a pre-alarm state.
5) Auto uv oi Fault (Y/n)
Automatic UV Oi Fault. Check UV viewing window and Oi reflector plate cleanliness.
6) manual oi at start
Manual Oi at Start. On power-up a manual Oi was started. Check the external input
7) snsr hdwr Fault (Y/n)
Sensor hardware fault.
8) hiB hdwr Fault (Y/n)
HART Interface Board hardware fault.
9) int comm Fault (Y/n)
Internal communication fault.
10) incompatible Fault (Y/n)
Sensor module firmware version is not compatible with HART Interface Board.
11) voltage Fault (Y/n)
Detector operating voltage is out of tolerance.
12) hardware menu
Refer to sub-menu.
13) oi menu
Refer to sub-menu.
Device Info Menu
1) General Info Menu
2) HART Info Menu
3) Status Info Menu
4) Detector Settings
5) History Menu
X2200 Root Menu
1) Fire (Yes/No)
2) Fault (Yes/No)
3) Device Info Menu
4) Command Menu
5) Device Setup Menu
Status Info Menu
1) Warmup (Y/N)
2) Fire (Y/N)
3) UV Alarm (Y/N)
4) UV Pre Alarm (Y/N)
5) Auto UV Oi Fault (Y/N)
6) Manual Oi at Start
7) Snsr Hdwr Fault (Y/N)
8) HIB Hdwr Fault (Y/N)
9) Int Comm Fault (Y/N)
10) Incompatible Fault (Y/N)
11) Voltage Fault (Y/N)
12) Hardware Menu
13) Oi Menu