Dakota Ultrasonics CMX User Manual

Page 31

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CMX High Performance Material & Coating Thickness Gauge


3.8 XFER (transfer) – Menu

BACKUP SETUPS: Enables the user the ability to backup the setups currently
stored in the CMX to a PC via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the CMX

DakView software for a complete electronic manual.
RESTORE SETUPS: Enables the user the ability to restore the setups currently
saved on a PC to an CMX via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the CMX
software for a complete electronic manual.
ABOUT: Provides the user with Dakota Ultrasonics contact information and the
CMX software version. Refer the Dakota Ultrasonics web site for information on the
latest firmware versions available for download.

3.9 CLR (clear) Key

The primary function of the CLR key is to backspace in an Alpha Edit Box.

3.10 MEAS (measurement mode) Key

The MEAS key puts the CMX into it’s primary mode of operation. In this mode, the
user has a complete view of the LCD.

3.11 OK Key

The primary function of the OK key is confirmation of a change o r selection.

3.12 ESC Key

The ESC key is used in the MENU, MEAS, and EDIT functions as a back or escape