2 probe – menu, 3 cal – menu – Dakota Ultrasonics CMX User Manual
Page 28

Dakota Ultrasonics
3.2 Probe – Menu
ZERO PROBE: The CMX is zeroed in much the same way that a mechanical
micrometer is zeroed. If the CMX is not zeroed correctly, all of the measurements
made using the CMX may be in error by some fixed value. The CMX is equipped
with an optional automatic or manual zero feature. Refer to the section on page 42,
for an explanation of this important procedure.
ZERO COATING: In order to account for very slight electronic differences in
transducers of the same type, frequency, and diameter, the CMX
has been
equipped with a “zero coating” feature. This enables the CMX
to obtain very
accurate readings on coatings, eliminating potential errors incurred from slight
differences in the manufacturing processes. Refer to the section on page 42, for a
detailed explanation.
TYPE: Enables the user to select the type of transducer being used from a chart of
transducer types. This provides increased linearity between transducers. Refer to
page 38 for a further explanation.
3.3 CAL – Menu
MAT: Select the material velocity from a chart of basic material types when a known
sample thickness, or material velocity cannot be obtained. Refer to page 51 for
further info.
MATL 1PT: Performs a single point calibration. This option allows the user to
automatically calculate the velocity by entering a known sample thickness. Refer to
page 45 for further info.
MATL 2PT: Performs a two-point calibration. This option allows the user to
automatically calculate the ve locity by entering a second known sample thickness.
Refer to page 50 for further info.
VELOCITY: Function to calibrate the CMX by setting the velocity to a known
material velocity. Refer to page 45 for further info.