Dakota Ultrasonics CMX User Manual

Page 29

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CMX High Performance Material & Coating Thickness Gauge


COATING 1PT: Performs a single point coating calibration. This option allows the
user to automatically calculate the velocity by measuring a known coating sample
thickness. Refer to page 76 for further info.
COATING 2PT: Performs a two-point coating calibration. This option allows the
user to automatically calculate the velocity by entering a second known coating
sample thickness. Refer to page 76 for further info.
COATING VEL: Function to calibrate the CMX to a specific coating material type by
entering a coating velocity. Refer to page 15 or 72 for further info.

3.4 DISP (display) – Menu

VIEW: Selectable BSCAN (cross section), and DIGITS (large digits) views. Refer to
page 54 for further info.
B-START: Provides the user the ability to change the start position of the B-SCAN
view. Refer to page 59 for further info.
B-DEPTH: Provides the user the ability to change the overall depth of the viewable
measurement area. It functions a lot like a zoom on a camera. Refer to page 61 for
further info.
UNITS: Toggle between English or Metric units. The readout will change from
inches to millimeters.
Selectable OFF, ON, AUTO, or INVERT backlight option.
CONTRAST: Adjustable display contrast for variable light conditions.

3.5 TUNE – Menu

MEASURE MODE: Toggles a variety of unique measurement modes for different
application requirements. Refer to page 35 for further info.
GAIN: A 5 position gain switch in 2 db increments from 40 to 50 dB. Increase for
better penetration or punch, and decrease to eliminate unwanted noise or better
resolution. Refer to page 63 for further info.