Dakota Ultrasonics CMX User Manual

Page 30

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Dakota Ultrasonics


3.6 SETUP – Menu

OPEN: Displays a list of factory and user defined setups currently stored in memory.
These setups can be recalled and used at any time. Refer to page 86 for further info.
Provides the user with the ability to save a custom setup that has been
modified or created by the user. Refer to page 88 for further info.
DELETE: Provides the user with the ability to delete specific setups previously save
in memory. Refer to page 92 for further info.
DEFAULT SETUP: Loads a basic default setup. Use only as a last resort when the
setups in the CMX have been corrupted and a computer is not accessible. Refer to
page 93 for further info.
LANGUAGE: Provides the user the ability to select different languages for the CMX.
Refer to page 95 for further info.

3.7 UTIL (utilities) – Menu

SCAN MODE: This function enables a hi speed scan mode that increases the
overall sample rate from 65 to 200 measurements per second, depending on the
current measurement mode used. Refer to page 81 for further info.
ALARM: Toggles alarm mode on, off, or audible . Refer to page 82 for further info.
ALARM HIGH: Gives the user the ability to set the HI limit parameter. If the
measurement exceeds this value, a red light will illuminate and sound the internal
beeper. Refer to page 82 for further info.
Gives the user the ability to set the LO limit parameter. If the
measurement falls below this value, a red light will illuminate and sound the internal
beeper. Refer to page 82 for further info.
DIFFERENTIAL: Gives the user the ability to set a nominal value and the CMX will
display +/- the difference from the nominal value entered. Refer to page 84 for
further info.