Barranca Diamond PF10 Power Feed Trim Saw User Manual

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The PF10 Trim Saw blade arbor is powered by an AX-24 rubber V-belt from the electric motor. The V-belt is

correctly tensioned at the factory. However if it is necessary to service the belt, unplug the PF10 Trim Saw

from its power source and remove the fasteners which secure the belt guard housing to the saw table and

motor. If the belt tension should become too loose, poor sawing performance or slipping will result. The belt

tension should be checked periodically by removing the guard and depressing the belt in the middle between

the motor and blade pulleys.

Fig 25. V-belt correctly tensioned

Fig 26. Motor mount adjustment points.

There should be 1/2" of deflection once the belt is pushed down (fig 25). If the belt is too tight (i.e. no deflection)

the electric motor and blade arbor bearings may be overheated and wear out prematurely or the motor may

shut off due to overheating. Belt tension can be adjusted by loosening the four mounting nuts (fig 26) attached

to the four studs welded to the rear of the oil reservoir and sliding the motor cradle base up or down to increase

or decrease belt tension. Be sure to adequately retighten the motor mount nuts and replace and attach the belt

guard to the saw table.


The power feed system utilizes a 4 RPM AC gear motor mounted inside of the rectangular box attached to

the front of the PF10 Trim Saw (fig 27). There is no need to service or lubricate the power feed motor unless

the motor fails and the screw feed rod fails to rotate when the feed is engaged. If the set screw that fastens

the power feed motor to the feed rod (fig 28) loosens during use or shipping, the rod will not rotate and move

the vise toward the blade. This rod set screw can be tightened with a US standard Allen/hex wrench should it

