Step 5 (cont’d), Step 6 attach tension straps, Step 7 adjust center pole – Anchor CENTURY FRAME TENTS 20 AND 30 HEX User Manual

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Step 5 (cont’d)

For 30’ hex frame: Two frame lifts
are required. Position the two lifts
on one eave as shown and attach
hooks to eave tube. Crank both
lifts at the same time. Stop when
uprights will fi t onto weldments.
Lower and remove frame lifts.

Note: If wind is strong, drive in
stakes through the guy web ring
and tie off loosely before lifting
frame. (Reference step 10)



Figure 5b

Frame Lifts

30’ Hex Frame

Step 6 Attach Tension Straps

Place curtain web through triangle ring at end of corner tab
as shown in Figure 6. Fasten upper hook of tension strap to
curtain web. Insert lower hook into slot in upright.

Use ratchet to take up slack in web. This prevents uprights
from sliding off weldment when other side of tent is raised.

Do not tension at this time.

Repeat at other uprights in similar fashion.


Figure 6

Curtain Web

Tension Strap

Slot in Upright


Step 7 Adjust Center Pole

Center pole must be adjusted to the height shown in Figure 7a. Turn the
top of the center pole in the direction noted to meet the required dimen-

Carefully position center pole pin through pole hole in top. Use caution
to prevent tearing of fabric. Raise top by pushing pole on the upper
cable. Slide pole along cable until at intersection of all cables. Place
lower cable in slot at bottom of pole and attach lock pin to secure. See
Figures 7b and 7c.

Base of pole is on a roller for ease of installation. Be sure movement of
pole is controlled (fi rmly held) during installation and removal to prevent
base from moving too quickly.



20’ Hex


30’ Hex


Figure 7a