Step 3 attach cables, Step 4 put top on frame, Step 5 lift one side – Anchor CENTURY FRAME TENTS 20 AND 30 HEX User Manual

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Step 3 Attach Cables

Attach one eye end of cable to weldment
hook on a corner weldment. At the op-
posite corner, raise frame until cable loop
slips onto weldment hook, then lower to
ground. Repeat until all 3 cables are at-
tached to frame.

Cable eye end.

Weldment hook.

Step 4 Put Top on Frame

Unfold top over eaves and cables. Pull
tabs at corners of top over corner weld-
ments. Secure by placing slot in tabs
over ring on corner weldment.


Slot in

Ring on Corner

After tab is in place, fasten guy web snap to ring on
corner weldments. Attach base plates to uprights with
bolt and nut supplied.

Snap guy to ring
after tab is in place.


Figure 5a


Figure 4

Figure 3

20’ Hex Frame


Step 5 Lift one Side

For 20’ hex frame: No frame lifts are required. Lift one
corner of frame and fi t upright onto weldment. As up-
rights are inserted, attach tension straps to keep uprights
attached to weldments. (See Step 6) Repeat at second
upright at an adjacent corner. Now stop to raise peak
(See Step 7)

Note: If wind is strong, drive in stakes through the guy
web ring and tie off loosely before lifting frame. (Refer-
ence step 10)