AirLive WN-300R User Manual
Page 28

Multi SSID
With Multiple SSIDs, you can have 2 SSIDs on one AP. For
example, a Guest SSID without encryption for visitors to have
Internet access only, and a Admin SSID with encryption for
private use to secure your company resources.
Select the desired SSID from the list to configure.
This is also called the "Network Name".
• If using an ESS (Extended Service Set, with multiple access
points) this ID is called an ESSID (Extended Service Set
• To communicate, all Wireless stations should use the same
If enabled, the Wireless ADSL Router will broadcast its SSID.
This allows PCs and other wireless stations to detect this Ac-
cess Point and use the correct SSID.
If disabled, PC users will have to manually enter the SSID and
other details of the wireless interface before they can connect to
this Access Point.
Isolation within
If Enabled, devices that have the same SSID will not be able to
see each other.
Configure SSID • Disabled - no data encryption is used.
• WEP - data is encrypted using the WEP standard.
• WPA-PSK - data is encrypted using the WPA-PSK stan-
dard. This is a later standard than WEP, and provides much
better security than WEP. If all your Wireless stations sup-
port WPA-PSK, you should use WPA-PSK rather than WEP.
• WPA2-PSK - This is a further development of WPA-PSK,
and offers even greater security, using the AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) method of encryption.
• WPA-802.1x - This version of WPA requires a Radius
Server on your LAN to provide the client authentication ac-
cording to the 802.1x standard. Data transmissions are
encrypted using the WPA standard.
If this option is selected:
AP1- AP 4
Please type your wireless AP or Router Mac address to connect
wireless Bridge mode.
AirLive WN-300R User’s Manual