AirLive WIAS-1200G User Manual

Page 57

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AirLive WIAS-1200G

User’s Guide


Users List:

Click to enter the On-demand Users List page. In the On-demand Users List, detailed

information will be documented here. By default, the On-demand user database is empty.


Search: Enter a keyword of a username that needs to be searched in the text field and click this button

to perform the search. All usernames matching the keyword will be listed.


Username: The login name of the on-demand user.


Password: The login password of the on-demand user.


Remaining Time/Volume: The total time/Volume that the user can use currently.


Status: The status of the account. Normal indicates that the account is not in-use and not overdue.

Online indicates that the account is in-use and not overdue. Expire indicates that the account is

overdue and cannot be used.


Expiration Time: The expiration time of the account.


Del All: This will delete all the users at once.


Delete: This will delete the users individually.


Upload User: Click this to enter the Upload User interface. Click the Browse button to select the text

file for the user account upload. Then click Submit to complete the upload process.

The uploading file should be a text file and the format of each line is "

ID (Username), Password,

Type, Status, Available Data transfer or Session length, Activation deadline (Date), Expired Date,

Validity duration, Plan, Price, Total Data transfer or Session length when bought, Generated

Date, First Login Date, Last Logout Date, Logout Cause”

without the quotes. The separator

between two columns in a line is a comma. When uploading a file, any format error or duplicated

username will terminate the uploading process and no account will be uploaded. Please correct the