AirLive WIAS-1200G User Manual
Page 129

AirLive WIAS-1200G
User’s Guide
2.4 Send an email receipt for each transaction to the merchant
A copy of email receipt with payment details (including available message note from buyer) for each successful
transaction will also be automatically sent to the merchant owner/administrator via PayPal.
3. Reporting
During normal operation, the following steps will be necessary to generate transaction reports.
3.1 Transaction activity during a period
(1) Please log in PayPal → Click History → Choose activity type from the Show field as the search criteria
→ Specify the dates (From and To fields) for the period → Click Search
3.2 Search for the transaction details for a specific customer
Please log in PayPal → Click History → Click Advanced Search → Enter the name for a specific customer as
criteria in the Search For field and Choose Last Name or Last Name, First Name in the In field → Specify the time
period → Click Submit → Click Details to view the transaction details
For more information about PayPal, please see