2N Omega Lite - Configuration Tool manual v1.8 User Manual
Page 16

Don’t disintegrate conference. Allowing no collapse for conferencing between
an internal line and at least two external lines after the internal line has hung up.
CLIP In Enter the expected incoming GSM identification format.
CLIP Out Enter the expected outgoing GSM identification format.
Outgoing ringing of CO line for Auto CLIP routing The minimal CO line
outgoing call duration (including ringing), needed the call to be counted as a
realized (successful) from the point of view of the Auto CLIP Routing function.
Longer calls would be s
aved to the Auto CLIP Routing call history only if „Save
even realized calls“ has been selected.
Prefix of CLIR service String inserted at the beginning of the called number,
used to hide the calling party number when making an outgoing call over GSM,
ISDN or VoIP. This number is automatically inserted when an internal line uses
CLIR service. CLIR service must be enabled for each internal line separatelly in
menu Internal lines/Enabling of services/Activation parameter CLIR and Private
Calls. CLIR service is activated/deactivated dialing the CLIR service code
(analogue phones). CLIR could be added to one of system phone programable
keys. The related LED diode shines when CLIR is active. The default setting of
the CLIR service code is #6. CLIR is activated with #61 and deactivated with