Before you deploy the connector for sharepoint – Google Search Appliance Connectors Deploying the Connector for SharePoint User Manual

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Before you deploy the Connector for SharePoint

Before you deploy the Connector for SharePoint, ensure that your environment has all of
the following required components:

GSA software version 7.2.0.G.90 or higher
To download GSA software, visit the

Google for Work Support Portal



Java JRE 1.7u6 or higher installed on the Windows computer that runs the connector

Java JRE 1.6u27 installed on the Linux computer that runs the connector

Connector for SharePoint 4.0.3 JAR executable
For information about finding the JAR executable, see

Step 2 Install the Connector

for SharePoint


User account for the connector, with Full Read permissions to SharePoint Web
Application in the User Policy

If running the connector on Linux, the user account used for running the connector
should belong to same domain as the SharePoint server. A user from a child domain
or from the same forest is not sufficient.

If there are any write-locked site collections, run the


script on SharePoint using an account that

has Admin privileges before installing the connector.

Optionally, configure the search appliance for the authentication method in use (typically
LDAP for Active Directory). For detailed information about configuring authentication, see

Managing Search for Controlled Access-Content
