JLG 800A_AJ Service Manual User Manual

Page 253

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– JLG Lift –


14. Coat the threads on the end of the shaft with anti-

seize grease to prevent galling.

15. Install the 0-ring (204) and back-up ring (207) into

the inner seal groove on the end cap (4).

16. Thread the end cap (4) onto the shaft (2) end. Make

sure the wear guide stays in place on the end cap as
it is threaded into the housing (1).

17. Tighten the end cap (4). In most cases the original

holes for the lock pins will line up.

18. Place the lock pins (109) provided in the Helac seal

kit in the holes with the dimple side up. Then, using
a punch, tap the lock pins to the bottom of the hole.

19. Insert the set screws (113) over the lock pins.

Tighten them to 25 in. lbs. (2.825 Nm).