Troubleshooting – JLG 800A_AJ Service Manual User Manual
Page 167

– JLG Lift –
4. Carefully adjust Gain. You are looking for the best
compromise between quick response and good sta-
bility. Make very small adjustments, then load and
unload engine, or pull linkage back slightly and
release. Usually, a good set-up is one that makes 1
to 3 small bounces and then steadies down after a
large change. Too much Gain shows up as a rapid
(bounce per second) instability, most commonly at
light loads. Too little Gain shows up in large over-
shoots on start-up or large load changes, and gen-
erally sluggish operation.
5. Make final adjustment to the High Engine Pot.
6. Set machine controls to obtain the mid-engine
speed. Adjust the mid-engine pot as needed to
obtain the speed desired.
7. The start lockout adjustment is factory set. If neces-
sary, he starter lockout pot may be adjusted to
obtain dropout of the starter as the engine attains
running speed. Normally this is around 500 RPM.
8. The overspeed adjustment is factory set. If neces-
sary, it may be readjusted to shut off ignition power
at a different engine speed by means of the over-
speed adjustment pot. The overspeed is simply to
shut down an over revving engine.
NOTE: Overspeed to be set at 4000 - 4500 RPM’s. This is
not a function we test for correct settings. The High
Engine speed must be set before setting the over-
9. Re-install the back cover on the E-331. Final mount
the controller.
We will discuss Troubleshooting in two general catego-
• Governor won’t work.
• Governor works, but can’t be set up to give satis-
factory performance.
There is, of course, some overlap between these catego-
ries. Read both sections and apply the fixes that seem
NOTE: During troubleshooting, be prepared to control the
engine manually to prevent overspeeds, etc.
• Governor won’t work.
No reaction from Governor. Actuator output arm never
moved, engine off or engine running. Can be caused by:
1. No power.
2. Incorrect linkage, preventing movement.
3. Incorrect electrical hook-up.