Installation, 1 preparing installation, 1 pc with serial interface – Eppendorf BioPhotometer Data Transfer User Manual

Page 8: 2 pc with usb-rs232 adapter, 2 install software, Installation 4.1, Preparing installation 4.1.1, Pc with serial interface, Pc with usb-rs232 adapter, Install software

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4 Installation

BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual





Preparing installation


PC with serial interface

1. Connect BioPhotometer plus via the provided null modem cable to the serial interface of the

PC (see operating manual BioPhotometer plus).

2. Tighten the fastening screws of the null modem cable at BioPhotometer plus and also at the

PC in order to avoid any interruption of the connection.


PC with USB-RS232 adapter

1. Connect the USB-RS232 adapter to the USB-Port of the PC.

The computer detects new hardware. If applicable, a message box opens for the installation
of e.g. driver components. Follow the instructions step by step.

2. Connect the BioPhotometer plus via the provided null modem cable to the plug connection of

the adapters.

3. Tighten the fastening screws of the null modem cable at BioPhotometer plus and also at the

adapter in order to avoid any interruption of the connection.


Install software

For the installation of the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software the BioPhotometer plus must
not be connected.
In order to install the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software onto your PC proceed as follows:

1. Make sure that all programs are exited.
2. Put the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software CD into the CD drive of your PC.

If the autostart function is active on your PC installation starts automatically.

3. If the installation does not start automatically start the file Setup.exe from the CD.
You are guided step by step through the installation.


Other programs can interrupt the automatic installation of the BioPhotometer Data Transfer
Software. In such a case restart the installation with the file Setup.exe from the CD.


The installation is successful if the shortcut to the software appears on the desktop:

