Advance Adapters 50-5601 User Manual
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P/N: 50-5601
P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Old Part No: 711056 (50-5600)
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
Page Rev. Date:
The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components will
void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly recommend
that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components. We recommend that a
service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals are normally available at automotive
dealerships and parts stores.
There are two basic styles of the 3 speed overdrive Ford transmission. The first is the
that is not compatible with
our adapter kits. These transmissions have the gear shift levers mounted in the rear extension housings. The model that
is required for use with our kits is the
that has an aluminum case which is 10-1/4" long and has a casting number
of 2603606 or 2603729. This model has the shift levers that are on the left hand side of the main case. There are two
different cases for the
transmission and these two differ from the size of the rear bearing. The shaft that we have
supplied with this kit is only available for the larger bearing size or truck type transmissions. If you attempt to use the car
type transmission, the case will need to be machined and a new bearing will be required. The
transmission can
also be found in Ford trucks 1986 and newer that have a top shift control. These transmissions are excellent for our
conversion kits and are the only transmissions that are compatible with the parts furnished.
When assembling the Advance Adapters new main shaft with the original gears, make sure that all of the gears have
sufficient end play for proper lubrication. This should be done while assembling the gears and after assembly to the transfer
case. If the shaft that you have received with the kit does not compare to your original shaft, it is very possible that you
may have received or purchased the wrong adapter kit.
This transmission has two shift rails that extend out the rear side of the case. In your kit is a special bushing that must
be installed into the original tailhousing lower hole to allow for the shift rod clearance and prevent oil leakage. It is best
to shift all four gears on the work bench prior to assembly into the vehicle to make sure the proper depth and clearance
has been maintained. If you cannot fully engage each gear, then the rod may be bottoming out inside the clearance hole.
The stock upper hole will not require any modifications.
A new main shaft is supplied with this kit for use with your new 4 speed transmission. Complete disassembly of the
transmission must be performed and, if unfamiliar with this transmission, a competent mechanic should perform this
Aside from the transmission work, the extension housing will need to be machined. The bearing counter bores will need
to be enlarged for the larger bearing in the 4 speed transmission. The special bushing, P/N 716034, must be located in line
with the shifter rail in the original tailhousing and be machined to a 1" diameter reamed hole to a depth of 1-1/4".