Advance Adapters 50-0434 User Manual
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P/N: 50-0434
P. O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
New Item: (01/07)
Paso Robles, CA 93447
PAGE: 3 OF 4
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
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The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific types of conversions. Modifications to any of
the components will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand the modifications or changes that will be required to
complete your conversion, we strongly recommend that you contact our sales department for more information. This Instruction Sheet is only to be used
for the assembly of Advance Adapter components. We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque vales,
wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.
NP231 T/C (27-SPLINES) UP TO 1994
On the inside of the transfer case, you'll now be able to remove the planetary assembly. Set the assembly on a work bench and locate the snap
ring that retains the input gear into the planetary housing. Remove the snap ring and lift the input gear out of the planetary housing.
Once the input gear is removed, you'll find a thrust washer that must be reinstalled onto the
new 27 spline input. When comparing the two input gears, they should look the same except
for the internal splines. If you find a difference between the two. The NP231 transfer case
used two styles of front input bearings. The early transfer case used a wide bearing and the
later model used a narrow bearing. This new input gear is designed for only the early style
case. New Process changed the bearing and gear pitch design in 1995. The center photo
below show a later model input compared to a early.
Once you have verified that you have the same style input gear, install the gear into the planetary, install the snap ring. Re-install the planetary
assembly into the case and secure the input to the bearing with the front snap ring. Note: The only part you should have left out of the case
is the old input gear. During reassembly, make sure the oil return hole matches the front retainer hole.
Before assembling, verify that the transmission has a 27 spline output shaft and the stickout is approximately 4.50". If shaft is longer, it may need
to be shortened slightly to prevent bottoming out in
the NP231 input shaft. Install the new reluctor ring
with the set collar side going on the shaft first. Before
tightening this clamp, trial fit the 51-0405 adapter plate
onto the back of the 4L60E transmission. With the
adapter set on the back of the transmission, install the
300619 reluctor sensor into the adapter casting. The
300619 sensor should line up over the teeth of the
reluctor clamp. When you obtain this location, remove
the adapter housing, making sure not to disturb the
position of the clamp on the shaft. With the clamp now
exposed, tighten the two set screws on the clamp.