Raising the ‘self level’ stabilisersmanually 8-4, Starting from platform control box 8-4, Starting from platform control box, 8-4 – Snorkel MHP15J User Manual

Page 50: Raising the ‘self level’ stabilisers manually -4, Starting from platform control box -4, Caution

background image

5. Activate the rear stabilisers and level the

machine using the level bubble (see Figure

Before raising the boom ensure all four foot
plates are in full contact with the ground and
that they are clear of manhole covers, drains
and unstable ground etc.

The boom can now be op


ated in the nor



Raising the ‘self level’ stabilisers

The booms must be in the stowed po si tion.

Hold switch  ‘ON’ (down) while each in di vid ual
switch ‚ (see Fig ure 8.7) is pushed upward, one at
a time, un til all four sta bi lis ers are com pletely up in
their stowed position.

Starting From Platform Control Box

Be fore you be gin to op er ate the MHP15J from the
plat form con trol box, a qual i fied op er a tor must per -
form the "Pre-op er a tional Inspection" as de scribed
in chap ter 7, of this man ual.

To start the en gine from the plat form con trol box
you must first set some switches on the ground
con trol box, in clud ing set ting the sta bi lis ers and
lev el ing the ma chine.
(See page 8-2 for in for ma tion on set ting the sta bi -
lis ers)

1. Insert the key  into the Master Key Switch

at the ground control box and turn the key on
(see Figure 8.8).

Figure 8.8

2. Set the Platform/Ground Selector € (see

Figure 8.8) at the ground control box to

Figure 8.9

page 8 - 4

MHP15J – 11995A

8. Operation