Bolts and fasteners 7-4, Wheels and tyres 7-4, Structural damage and welds 7-4 – Snorkel MHP15J User Manual

Page 40: Bolts and fasteners, 7-4, Structural damage and welds, 7-4, Wheels and tyres, 7-4, Pre-operational inspection

background image

Figure 7.9 - Hydraulic Oil Leaks

Hy drau lic oil leaks are eas ily vis i ble and can show
up any place.

Vi sually in spect the en tire ma chine for hy drau lic oil.
Check the ground un der the ma chine for leaked oil.

Care fully in spect the ends of the up per and lower
booms. Oil can run down in side of the booms and
drip out the end.

Bolts and Fasteners

Vi sually in spect all fas ten ers to see that none is
miss ing or ob vi ously loose.

Figure 7.10 - Critical Pin Retainer Bolts

Crit i cal pin re tainer bolts have lock tab wash ers fit -
ted, they should all be pres ent and not dam aged in
any way.

Figure 7.11 - Wheel Nuts

Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to all of the wheel nuts and

None should be vis


bly loose, miss

ing, or de



Wheels and Tyres

The MHP15J re lies on it’s tyres for tow ing sta bil ity.

Figure 7.12 - Tyre Condition

Check each wheel for ob vi ous dam age that could
cause a blow out.

Figure 7.13 - Tyre Pressure

En sure tyre pres sures are main tained ac cord ing to
the de cal at tached to the mud guard (fender).

Structural Damage and Welds

Vi sually in spect all welds for cracks, all struc tural
mem bers for de for mity.

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MHP15J – 11995A

7. Pre-operational Inspection