Chapter 1. safety, Safe operation 1-1, Pre-start inspection 1-1 – Snorkel EPV16J User Manual

Page 9: Work place inspection and practices 1-1, Electrocution 1-1, Tipover and falling hazards 1-1, Electrocution, 1-1, 8-1, Falling hazards, 1-1, Pre-start inspection, 1-1, Safe operation, 1-1

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Chapter 1. Safety

Safe Operation

The fol low ing safety in for ma tion is vi tally im por tant
for safe op er a tion of the EPV16J. Fail ure to fol low
these in struc tions can re sult in per sonal in jury or

Pre-start Inspection

At the start of each work shift, the EPV16J shall be
given a vi sual in spec tion and func tion test. See the
“Pre-op er a tional In spec tion” chap ter 7, in this man -
ual for a list of items to in spect and test.

DO NOT operate the EPV16J unless you are
trained and authorized, understand the
operation characteristics of the EPV16J, and
have inspected and tested all functions to be
sure they are in proper working order.

Work Place Inspection and Practices

Do not use the EPV16J as a ground for weld ing.
Ground to the work piece.

Be fore the EPV16J is used, and dur ing use, check
the area in which the EPV16J is to be used for pos -
si ble haz ards such as, but not lim ited to:

1. Drop-offs or holes.

2. Side slopes.

3. Bumps and floor obstructions.

4. Debris.

5. Overhead obstructions and electrical


6. Hazardous locations.

7. Inadequate surface and support to withstand

all load forces imposed by the aerial platform
in all operating configurations.

8. Wind and weather conditions.

9. Presence of unauthorized persons.

10. Other possible unsafe conditions.

Be fore the EPV16J is used, de ter mine the haz ard
clas si fi ca tion of any par tic u lar at mo sphere or lo ca -
tion ac cord ing to ANSI/NFPA 505-1987.

Any EPV16J op


ated in a haz


ous lo



must be ap

proved and of the type re

quired by

ANSI/NFPA 505-1987.

A recommended safety practice is to have
personnel that are trained in the operation of the
emergency controls working in the immediate area
of the EPV16J to assist the platform operator in the
event of an emergency.

When mov ing the plat form, check the clear ance
around the EPV16J to avoid con tact with struc tures
or other haz ards. Al ways look in the di rec tion of
mo tion.

Keep ground per son nel from un der the plat form
when the plat form is raised.

Se cure all ac ces so ries, con tain ers, tools, and
other ma te ri als in the plat form to pre vent them from
ac ci den tally fall ing or be ing kicked off the plat form.


gage in any form of “horse

play” or

“stunt driv ing” while op er at ing the EPV16J.

DO NOT per mit rid ers on the ma chine any place
other than on the plat form.

Re move all loose ob jects stored in or on the ma -
chine, par tic u larly in the plat form. Re move all ob -
jects which do not be long in or on the ma chine.

When other mov ing equip ment is in the area, take
spe cial pre cau tions to com ply with lo cal reg u la -
tions re gard ing warn ings.

Never steady the plat form by po si tion ing it against
an other plat form.

DO NOT op er ate an EPV16J that is not func tion ing
prop erly, or has been dam aged, un til the ma chine
has been re paired by a qual i fied main te nance per -

DO NOT op er ate a EPV16J that does not have all
its de cals and plac ards at tached and leg i ble.

Watch for by stand ers and never al low any one to be
un der, or to reach through, the ma chine and its
equip ment while op er at ing.

Use the rec


mended trans

port de

vice when

load ing the ma chine.


T h e E P V 1 6 J i s a n a l l m e t a l b o o m ,
NON-INSULATED, ae rial work plat form.
DO NOT op er ate it near ELECTRICAL con duc tors.
Re gard all con duc tors as be ing en er gized.

DO NOT op er ate out side dur ing a thun der storm.

Tipover and Falling Hazards

DO NOT op er ate the EPV16J from a po si tion on
trucks, trail ers, rail way cars, float ing ves sels, scaf -
folds, or sim i lar equip ment un less the ap pli ca tion is
ap proved in writ ing by Snor kel.

If the platform or elevating assembly becomes
caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented from
normal motion by an adjacent structure or other
obstacles such that control reversal does not free
the platform, remove all personnel from the

EPV16J – 11089A

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