Bolts and fasteners 7-4, Structural damage and welds 7-4, Lanyard anchor points 7-4 – Snorkel EPV16J User Manual

Page 38: Platform gravity gate 7-4, Platform guardrails 7-4, Bolts and fasteners, 7-4, Lanyard anchor points, 7-4, Structural damage and welds, 7-4, Boom welds, 7-4, Chapter 7. pre-operational inspection

background image

Bolts and Fasteners

Vi sually in spect all fas ten ers to see that none is
miss ing or ob vi ously loose.

Figure 7.10 - Critical Pin Retainer Bolts

Crit i cal pin re tainer bolts have lock tab wash ers fit -
ted, they should all be pres ent and not dam aged in
any way.

Structural Damage and Welds

Vi sually in spect all welds for cracks, all struc tural
mem bers for de for mity.

Figure 7.14 - Chassis Welds

Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to the chas sis welds

Figures 7.15 - Boom Welds

Closely in spect boom welds all the way around, for

Lanyard Anchor Points

Figure 7.16 - Lanyard Anchor Points

Vi sually check the lan yard an chor points to see that
they are not de formed or cut off.

Platform Gravity Gate

Figure 7.17 - Platform Gravity Gate

Check to see that the grav ity gate is pres ent and
func tions cor rectly.

Platform Guardrails

Figure 7.18 - Platform Guardrails

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EPV16J – 11089A

Chapter 7. Pre-operational Inspection