Snorkel X40RT User Manual

Page 70

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P/N 569300

Special fire fighting procedures: Evacuate non
emergency personnel to a safe area.

Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Fire
fighters should use self-contained breathing
apparatus. Avoid breathing smoke, fumes, and
decomposition products. Use water spray to
drench smoldering elastomer. Product may melt,
after ignition, to form flammable liquid. Burning
produces intense heat, dense smoke, and toxic
gases, such as carbon monoxide, oxides of
nitrogen, and traces of hydrogen cyanide.

Spill or leak: Pick up and handle as any other
inert solid material.

Waste disposal method: Not considered a
hazardous material. Dispose of material
according to any local, state, and federal



Extinguishing media: Dry chemical, foam, or
Special fire fighting procedures: Water may
be ineffective to extinguish, but water should be
used to keep fire-exposed containers cool. If a
leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to
disperse the vapors and to protect personnel
attempting to stop a leak. Water spray may be
used to flush spills away from areas of potential

Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Highly
Flammable. Products of combustion may contain
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxic
materials. Do not enter enclosed or confined
space without proper protective equipment
including respiratory protection.

Spill or leak: Review fire and explosion hazards
before proceeding with clean up. Use appropriate
personal protective equipment during clean up.
Dike spill. Prevent liquid from entering sewers,
waterways, or low areas. Soak up with sawdust,
sand, oil dry or other absorbent material. Shovel
or sweep up.

Remove source of heat, sparks, flame, impact,
friction or electricity including internal combustion
engines and power tools. If equipment is used for
spill cleanup, it must be explosion proof and
suitable for flammable liquid and vapor.

NOTE: Vapors released from the spill may
create an explosive atmosphere.

Waste disposal method: Treatment, storage,
transportation and disposal must be in
accordance with applicable federal, state,

provincial, and local regulations. Do not flush to
surface water or sanitary sewer system. By itself,
the liquid is expected to be a RCRA ignitable
hazardous waste.



Extinguishing media: Use water spray, dry
chemical, foam, or CO2.
Special fire fighting procedures: Water or
foam may cause frothing. Use water to keep fire-
exposed containers cool. Water spray may be
used to flush spills away from exposures.

Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Products
of combustion may contain carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, and other toxic materials. Do not
enter enclosed or confined space without proper
protective equipment including respiratory

Spill or leak: Contain spill immediately in
smallest area possible. Recover as much of the
product itself as possible by such methods as
vacuuming, followed by soaking up of residual
fluids by use of absorbent materials. Remove
contaminated items including contaminated soil
and place in proper containers for disposal.
Avoid washing, draining or directing material to
storm or sanitary sewers .

Waste disposal method: Recycle as much of the
recoverable product as possible. Dispose of
nonrecyclable material as a RCRA hazardous
waste by such methods as incineration, complying
with federal, state, and local regulations.




Extinguishing media: Water spray. Class A-B-C
or BC fire extinguishers.

Special fire fighting procedures: Stop flow of
gas. Use water to keep fire-exposed containers
cool. Use water spray to disperse unignited gas
or vapor. If ignition has occurred and no water
available, tank metal may weaken from over-
heating. Evacuate area. If gas has not ignited,
LP-gas liquid or vapor may be dispersed by
water spray or flooding.

Spill or leak: Keep public away. Shut off supply
of gas. Eliminate sources of ignition. Ventilate
the area. Disperse with water spray. Contact
between skin and these gases in liquid form can
cause freezing of tissue causing injury similar to
thermal burn.
Waste disposal method: Controlled burning.




OIL (UN 1270) above.