Automatic shut-offs and circuit breakers, Automatic shut-offs 5-1, Level sensor 5-1 – Snorkel X33BE-sn10131+V-1 User Manual

Page 30: Engine temperature 5-1, Engine oil pressure 5-1, Platform height vs. drive speed 5-1, Dynamic brakes 5-1, Alternator not charging 5-1, Stabilisers 5-1, Automatic shut-offs, 5-1

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5. Automatic Shut-offs and Circuit Breakers

Automatic Shut-offs

Level sensor

When the level sen sor alarm sounds, au to matic in -
ter locks make it im pos si ble to drive the

RT or raise

the plat form. For more com plete in for ma tion see
the Level Sen sor sub sec tion of the Safety De vices
2 chapter.

Engine temperature

Figure 5.1 - Engine Temperature Sensor

There is a tem per a ture sen sor in the en gine. It
mea sures the tem per a ture of the an ti freeze-wa ter
mix ture as the mix ture leaves the top of the ra di a tor
and en ters the top of the en gine. If the tem per a ture
reaches 210(F (99(C) an alarm sounds. If the tem -


ture con tin ues to rise, the en gine shuts off

when the tem per a ture reaches 230(F (110(C). The
en gine will not re start un til the tem per a ture drops
below 210(F (99(C).

Engine oil pressure

Figure 5.2 - Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

There is an oil pressure sensor in the engine. It
measures the engine oil pressure at the oil filter. If
the pressure falls below a safe operating value the

engine shuts off. The engine will restart with low
pressure but it will only run a few seconds before it
automatically shuts off again.

Platform height vs. drive speed

When the plat form is over 1.7m (5 6") above the
ground the drive speed is lim ited to its slow est
speed and the en gine revs are also au to mat i cally
low ered.

Dynamic brakes

When you drive an

RT down a slope, if the RT be -

gins to coast (out run the drive mo tors) the hy drau lic
sys tem senses the coast ing con di tion. The hy drau -
lic drive mo tors then be come hy drau lic brakes and

RT is slowed. This ac tion pre vents SRs from

speed ing down grades.

Alternator not charging

Figure 5.3 - Alternator Output Shutdown

When the fan belt breaks, or the al ter na tor out put
falls be low a safe level for other rea sons, the en -
gine au to mat i cally shuts off and an alarm sounds.
As long as the

RT bat tery is charged you can lower

the plat form, in the usual way, from the plat form
con trol box or the ground con trol box with out the
en gine running.



RT can not be driven un less the sta bi lis ers are

com pletely up. If you have just raised the sta bi lis -
ers but the

RT will not drive, dou ble check to be

sure all four sta bi lis ers are com pletely up.

SR3370 & SR2770 – 13184A

Rev A

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