Synergy 5102-0X - Jeep JK Louvered Hood Panel User Manual

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Louver Panel Hood Cut-out Procedures

There are 3 basic options for cutting holes in the JK hood to allow for
additional cooling if desired.

• Steps 10-13 involve minimum cutting, and minimal additional

airflow, with full structural hood integrity is retained.
(Recommended for colder climates where extreme winters are

• Steps 10-18 involves moderate cutting where additional cooling

is desired and full structural hood integrity is retained.

• Steps 19-23 involves extreme cutting and maximum airflow

(recommended for hot weather climates and Jeep vehicles that
commonly see high temps for sustained periods of time)

10) Using a ruler as a guide, mark a line 1” from the center of the mounting holes

drilled in step 8. Mark out all areas between the under hood bracing except for
the area retaining the windshield sprayer / U-bolt tie down point.

11) Using a cut off wheel or jig saw, carefully cut out these 3 locations as shown

below. See picture 11.1 and 11.2 below.