Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual

Page 9

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print service.

The steps presented in this section are explained more fully in Chapter 4, "Setting Up

Print Service," in the AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide. (More detailed

informa-tion about the various options for print server administration is provided in

Chapter 7, "Print Server Supervision.")

1. Open the System Folder.

To get to the Finder while the file server is running, click the hard disk icon in the

upper-right corner of the desktop.

2. Double-click the AppleShare Print Server icon.

In a moment, you see the Setup dialog box:

3. In the Printer Types box, select the icon for the type of printer you want to


"Capturing" a printer means placing a printer under the control of the print server. You

can capture printers of various types, but only one at a time.

4. If necessary, select the zone the printer is in.

If your network is not divided into zones, skip this step.

If your network is subdivided into zones, a zone list appears in the upper-right corner

of the dialog box. Your home zone is automatically selected, and its printers are listed

in the Available list in the lower left. If you want to select a printer from another

zone, select the zone, scrolling to find it if necessary. When you select another zone,

the printers in that zone appear in the Available list.

5. In the Available list, select the name of the printer you want to capture.

You can capture only one printer at a time.

6. Click Capture.

You see the Options dialog box:

7. Select the options you want for this printer.

The preset options are the most common choices for print service:

- The Printing option must be selected for the print server to print documents.

- Selecting the Spooling option means that documents will be stored in the print queue to

await printing. (To spool a document is to send it to a print server, where it is stored

in a print queue until the captured printer is free to print the document.)

- Selecting the Bypass option gives users the choice of either sending documents directly

to the captured printer or to the print server.

The "Seen as" box indicates how this printer will be listed in the Chooser. If you want

to change the name, enter a new name. (The name can be no longer than 32 characters.)

8. Click OK.

The Print Server program captures the printer you selected. In a few moments, you see two

windows -- the Queue and Log windows for the captured printer.

9. Close the Queue and Log windows.