Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual

Page 6

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You see the user information window:

2. Click the Login Enabled checkbox to place an X in it.

Selecting Login Enabled allows guest access.

3. Click Save.

4. Close the user information window.

Setting up and adding members to groups

Creating groups allows you to consolidate access privileges for volumes and folders

avail-able on the file server. Here are two common examples of how to use groups:

- You have 10 users in your office. You want to give them equal access to the two folders

on the file server. You create one group, make all 10 users members of that group, and

assign access privileges for both folders to that group. Now all 10 users have access to

both folders.

- You have 10 users in your office. You want five to have access to Folder A and the

other five to have access to Folder B. You create two groups -- Group 1 and Group 2. You

assign access privileges for Folder A to Group 1 and access privileges for Folder B to

Group 2. Now each user has access to only the folder that his or her group needs.

!! IMPORTANT These are two basic scenarios for allowing access to shared folders. There

are other strategies for allowing access to volumes and folders. For more information,

see Chapter 3, "Setting Up File Service," in the AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's

Guide. !!

1. Choose Create Group from the Groups menu.

2. Enter a name for the group.

The name can be up to 31 characters long.

3. Click Save.

You must save the name of the group before you can add users to the group.

4. In the User List window, select the users you want to assign to this group.

Shift-click to select more than one user.

5. Drag the users' icons together to the Members box in the group window.

You must drag the icons, not the users' names.

6. Close the group window.

Sharing volumes and folders

Now that you've registered users and created groups, you need to share volumes on the

file server. This means you will indicate which hard disks and folders you want to make

available to users on the file server.

1. Choose Access Information from the Privileges menu.

The Volumes list in the upper-left portion of the window shows all the hard disks

connected to the server computer. You need to select either an entire hard disk or

folders on the hard disk.