Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual

Page 10

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You won't need to use these windows until after users begin using the print server.

10. Choose Setup from the File menu.

The Setup dialog box appears again.

11. Repeat steps 3 through 9 for each additional printer you want to capture.

Repeat the steps until you have captured all the printers you need, or until you have

reached the maximum of five printers.

12. Verify that all users have the same printer drivers installed on their computers.

If necessary, update each user's computer with the System 7 installation disks. For more

information, see the instructional materials that came with your System 7 software.

The AppleShare Print Server is now ready for use, and each captured printer is now listed

in the Chooser.


You have successfully set up AppleShare 3.0 file and print services. Users can now log on

to the file server and send documents to the print server.

If you need more detailed information about maintaining the services you've just

estab-lished, consult the AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide