Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual
Page 4

After you click OK, you see another dialog box asking you to confirm the Admin key. This
is the last time you'll see the Admin key on the screen, so be sure to make a note of it:
6. Click OK.
In a moment you see a message that you must enter an administrator name and password.
This means you'll need to set up your own account on the file server.
7. Click OK.
After a few moments, you see three windows -- the User List and Group List windows, and a
user information window. For now, you will work only with the user information window.
Each user account you create will have its own user information window. This one is for
you as the administrator:
8. Enter a name in the Name box.
You can enter your own name or use "Administrator."
9. Enter a password.
You'll use the password to log on to the file server. The password can be any combination
of up to eight characters. (Uppercase and lowercase letters must match when you log on to
the server.)
!! IMPORTANT Don't use the same password as the Admin key. Keeping the two distinct
provides an added level of administrator security. !!
10. Verify your AppleShare options.
Most of the option boxes -- Login Enabled, Change Password Enabled, and All Privileges
Enabled -- are already checked. As the server administrator, you'll almost certainly want
to keep these options enabled. If you're not sure what options you need, accept the
preset options for now. You can always change options later.
These options are explained in the section "Registering Users" in Chapter 3 of the
AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide.
11. Click Save.
12. Close the user information window.
If you are upgrading from AppleShare 2.0 or System 7 Macintosh file sharing, you may be
able to skip the next few sections:
- If you don't need to add any new users or groups, nor alter the access privileges you
used with AppleShare 2.0 or System 7 Macintosh file sharing, go to the section "Starting
Up the AppleShare 3.0 File Server Program."
- If you don't need to add any new users or groups, but you want to change the access
privileges you originally set with either AppleShare 2.0 or System 7 Macintosh file
sharing, go directly to the section "Sharing Volumes and Folders."
Registering users
Now that you've named the file server, entered an Admin key, and created an Administrator
account, you need to register users by assigning each user a personal file server
1. Choose Create User from the Users menu.
2. Enter the user's name.