Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual

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your computer or network card, or the manual that came with your network cabling system.

!! IMPORTANT The server computer must have at least 4 megabytes of RAM (random-access

memory) and be running Macintosh system software version 7.0 (or later). !!

Setting the computer's clock

- Check the computer's clock, and set it if necessary.

The AppleShare file and print servers will use your computer's internal clock for all

time entries (for logging server use, for instance); to check the clock, choose the Alarm

Clock desk accessory from the Apple menu. Close the Alarm Clock window when you are


Installing the AppleShare Server 3.0 software

1. Insert the AppleShare File Server disk in the disk drive.

2. Double-click the disk's icon to open the disk's directory window, if it is not

already open.

3. Double-click the Installer icon.

4. If you plan to maintain both a file and a print server, click the Install button and

follow the instructions on the screen (then skip to step 7).

Follow the instructions presented on the screen.

5. If you plan to maintain only the file or the print server, click the Customize


You see the custom install window:

6. Select AppleShare Workstation and the server you want to install, and then click


You will need to Shift-click to select both options. Follow the instructions presented on

the screen.

7. When the installation is complete, click the Restart button.

Setting up file service

This section explains how to set up file service on your server computer. The steps

presented in this section are explained in detail in Chapter 3, "Setting Up File

Service," in the AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide.

The procedure for setting up file service varies depending on your situation:

- If you are upgrading from AppleShare 2.0, or if you have used System 7 Macintosh file

sharing on the server computer prior to installing AppleShare 3.0 -- or both -- go

directly to the next section, "Upgrading to AppleShare Server 3.0."

- If you are not upgrading from AppleShare 2.0, nor have ever used System 7 Macintosh

file sharing, skip the next section and go to "Using the AppleShare Admin Program."

Upgrading to AppleShare Server 3.0

Follow these steps to upgrade from AppleShare 2.0 or System 7 Macintosh file sharing: