Apple AppleShare Server 3.0 User Manual
Page 3

1. Open the System Folder.
2. Double-click the AppleShare Admin icon.
In a moment, you see a dialog box:
The number of options presented in the dialog box depends on whether you are upgrading
from AppleShare 2.0, from System 7 Macintosh file sharing, or from both.
The Users & Groups Data File is a database of users, user passwords, and user groups. If
you are upgrading, you already have a Users & Groups Data File. However, there can be
only one valid Users & Groups Data File on your computer's startup disk, so you need to
indicate whether you want the Admin program to update the existing file or create a new
Updating the file will let you maintain all the user and group accounts and access
privileges you set with AppleShare 2.0 or System 7 Macintosh file sharing.
3. Click the button next to the option you want and then click OK.
You see another dialog box asking you to confirm your choice. The text in the box varies
depending on what you're upgrading from:
4. Click OK to complete the update.
Now that you've indicated what to do with your old Users & Groups Data File, go to step 3
in the next section.
Using the AppleShare Admin program
Follow these steps to start up the AppleShare Admin application program:
1. Open the System Folder.
2. Double-click the AppleShare Admin icon.
In a moment, you see a dialog box asking you to name the file server and enter an Admin
3. Name the file server.
The name you give the file server is the name users will see in the Chooser when they log
on to the file server. The file server name can be up to 31 characters long. (It does not
have to be a ProDOS name, even if Apple II users will be logging on to the file server.)
4. Enter an Admin key.
The Admin key "unlocks" the AppleShare Admin program. Its purpose is to help prevent
unauthorized use of the Admin program. The key can be any combination of up to 8
char-acters. The Admin key records both uppercase and lowercase letters, so be sure to
type the key exactly as you want it.
!! IMPORTANT Remember your Admin key! Record it somewhere if necessary. Replacing a
forgotten Admin key is difficult and very time consuming. (For instructions on replacing
the Admin key, see Chapter 8, "Troubleshooting," in the AppleShare Server 3.0
Administrator's Guide.) !!
5. Click OK.