Use map view – Apple iDVD 4 Tutorial User Manual
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iDVD Tutorial
To add original high-resolution versions of your slideshow photos to the DVD-ROM portion of the
disc, select “Add original photos on DVD-ROM” [C]. Your viewers will be able to copy the photos
to their hard disks from the DVD.
Click the Return button [D] to exit the slideshow editor and return to the previous menu.
Select the Snow Day Pictures button. Drag the slider above the button to make a different image
appear on the button.
To set the transition from the menu to the slideshow, choose Dissolve from the Transition pop-up
menu in the Settings pane of the Customize drawer.
Drag the file “Cat Briar Road 0’32.m4a” from the Audio folder in the iDVD Tutorial folder to the
Audio well in the Settings pane to make it the background audio for the menu.
Preview the slideshow you have just created by clicking Preview and then clicking the Snow Day
Pictures button.
When you are finished, click Exit on the DVD remote control to leave preview mode.
Choose File > Save Project.
Use Map View
Using map view, you can see a graphical overview of your project, that shows icons for each
element in the project and navigational paths to each submenu, slideshow, and movie.
In map view, you can drag media into the project to set an “autoplay” movie or slideshow, set
movies or slideshows to repeat (or “loop”), and click menus and slideshows to open them and
work on them. You can also preview parts of the DVD from the DVD map.
In this section of the tutorial, you will use the map view to see the autoplay movie that is
included with the theme you selected at the beginning. You will also navigate to different views
in iDVD, and preview your iDVD project.