Apple iDVD 4 Tutorial User Manual
Idvd tutorial, Before you begin, Preview the tutorial project

iDVD Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process of creating an iDVD project using
sample movie clips and pictures that came with the tutorial. When you are done with the tutorial,
you will have a complete project ready to burn on a DVD. From there, you can go on to create
your own exciting DVDs.
Before You Begin
To make it easier to do the tasks in this tutorial, print the document before you start.
In many tasks shown in this lesson and in iDVD Help, you need to choose menu commands,
which look like this:
Choose Edit > Copy.
The first term after
is the name of a menu in the iDVD menu bar. The next term (or terms)
are the items you choose from that menu.
Preview the Tutorial Project
To see a preview of what the finished project will look like, open the completed tutorial project.
You’ll be creating a project just like this one in the next part of this tutorial.
Double-click the iDVD application in the Finder, and click Open Tutorial.
The tutorial project opens in iDVD. When it opens, you see the main menu. The menu has three
buttons, Play Movie, Scene Selection, and Extras. It also has an area in the middle called a
that has a slideshow playing in it.
If you don’t see the slideshow playing in the drop zone, click the Motion button at the bottom of
the iDVD window.
Click Preview to enter preview mode.
Click the Play Movie button. Notice that the menu dissolves into the movie, because a Dissolve
transition was set for this menu. The movie plays and returns to the main menu when it is
Click the Scene Selection button. A scene menu opens with buttons for each of the chapters in
the movie. These chapters were set in video-editing software, such as iMovie, Final Cut Express, or
Final Cut Pro. Click a chapter button to play the movie starting from that scene. When the movie
finishes playing, it returns to the main menu.
Click the Extras button. A submenu opens.