Burn your dvd – Apple iDVD 4 Tutorial User Manual
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Burn Your DVD
When you are finished with your iDVD project, you can burn it to a blank DVD-R disc. Burn a disc
only when you are sure that you are finished with your project. Once you burn a DVD-R disc, it
cannot be used again.
To burn your DVD:
To see motion menus and buttons in your finished disc or to hear audio you’ve added, click the
Motion button to turn motion on. If motion is not turned on when you burn the disc, you won’t
see motion in the disc.
Click the Burn button once to indicate that you are ready to burn, and a second time to begin
the burning process. When prompted, insert a blank disc into the drive.
iDVD burns your disc.
The time it takes for the disc to be created depends on the amount of video on the disc and the
speed of your computer.
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