Add a submenu – Apple iDVD 4 Tutorial User Manual

Page 6

background image


iDVD Tutorial


Drag the audio file “Prevailing Winds 0’33.m4a” from the Audio folder in the iDVD Tutorial folder
to the Audio well [D] to make it the background audio for the main menu.


Click Preview to check your results.


When you are finished, click Exit on the DVD remote control to leave preview mode.

Add a Submenu

If you want to add more movies or slideshows to your DVD, you can add another submenu. You
can also use your own image or movie clip as the background of a DVD menu. Here, you’ll create
a new submenu and add a custom background to it.

To add and customize a submenu:


Click Folder to place a new button on the main menu. Select the text on the new button (labeled
“My Folder”) and type “Extras.”


Double-click the button to open the new submenu.


Drag the file named “snowday24.jpg” from the Pictures folder in the iDVD Tutorial folder, and
hold it over the menu in an area outside the drop zone. Press the Command key and drop the file
in place. The new background is set, and the drop zone that was on the menu disappears.


Drag the audio file named “Cat Briar Road 0’32.m4a” from the Audio folder in the iDVD Tutorial
folder to the Audio well in the Settings pane.


Double-click the title of the menu to select it, and then type “Extras” to change the title. Click
outside the text. Drag the title to center it.