Apple Boot Camp (Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard) User Manual
Page 7

To create a partition for Windows:
Set the size of your Windows partition.
Refer to your Windows installer documentation to help you determine the best
partition size for your system. Windows Vista requires more disk space than
Windows XP.
A partition larger than 32 GB cannot be formatted as a FAT volume. See
“Formatting the Windows Partition” on page 10.
Click Partition.
Boot Camp Assistant creates the new Windows partition. Your original Mac OS
partition, with all your software and information, remains intact.
You can use Boot Camp Assistant later to remove the partition if you want to restore
the disk to a single-partition Mac OS X volume (see page 20).
Creating a Partition on a Computer with Multiple Internal Disks
If you are installing Windows on a computer with more than one internal disk, select
which disk to partition for Windows. You can:
create a second partition for Windows on any internal disk
erase a non-startup disk and create a single partition for Windows
If you have already partitioned a disk, you can restore it to a single Mac OS X partition.
In the “Create or Remove a Windows Partition” window, select a disk to see the options
available for that disk.