Ma – mu – Apple PowerBook (5300 Series) User Manual
Page 178

Macintosh HD window 66
Macintosh PowerBook 5300 series
battery, charging warning 74.
See also battery
Macintosh PowerBook computer
overview of 1–2
pre-installed software 65
RAM amount used by 91
RAM expansion card for 142
service recommendations 133
storing 133
traveling with 131–132
using as a hard disk 55–59
Macintosh Shortcuts window 35
Macintosh software, compatibility
with ix
Macintosh Tutorial
review of basics from 18
starting 16–17
Mac OS startup screen 6
magnetic field, external monitor and 96
battery care 129
cleaning the surfaces 128
cleaning the trackpad 17
floppy disk care 130
mass-storage cards. See PC Cards
(PCMCIA cards)
checking amount of 87, 160
increasing size of 83–84, 87–88. See
also memory expansion card
insufficient, problems caused by 83,
“native” program requirements 70
printing problems and 97
problems in accessing 91
shared library requirements 70
virtual 64, 70
Memory control panel, increasing
memory expansion card, adding 64,
Method pop-up menu (AppleLink) 49
microphone 2, 63
microprocessor. See
PowerPC microprocessor
Apple Remote Access problems
connecting 53
external, troubleshooting 100
PC Card, using 46–49
modem cable, connecting to port 53
modem files, in Apple Remote
modem icon 46
Modem pop-up menu (Apple Remote
modem port. See printer/external
modem port
Modem Type pop-up menu (eWorld) 47
module release latch 38, 39
monitor, external 59–62
disconnecting 62
positioning 60, 126
troubleshooting 61, 95–96, 100
working with 62
monitor cable, attaching to video
Monitors control panel, for flicker
Motorola, Inc. ix
mouse, external
positioning 125
troubleshooting 100
moving the computer, cautions
musculoskeletal discomfort,