Glossary – Apple Mac OS X Server v10.3 User Manual
Page 55

application server
JBoss instance, which is started
through Server Admin.
CMP (container-managed persistence)
bean persistence model in which the J2EE
container is responsible for persisting
enterprise-bean instances to a data store and
populating the fields of enterprise-bean instances
when they are retrieved.
deployment tool
HTML-based application
through which J2EE application or component
archives can be configured or assembled in
preparation for deployment in Mac OS X Server.
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
Specification that
provides an infrastructure through which
data-based components can be developed and
deployed in a variety of platforms.
J2EE (Java 2, Enterprise Edition)
that defines a platform for the development and
deployment of Web applications. It describes an
environment under which enterprise beans,
servlets, and JSP pages can share resources and
work together.
Java-based open-source application server
capable of deploying J2EE-based applications.
JBoss provides many useful features in addition
those defined in the J2EE standard, including
support for clustering, session replication, mail,
and security.
JMS (Java Message Service)
programming interface that implements an
asynchronous message-exchange system. It
facilitates the development of message-based
applications. JMS is part of the J2EE platform.
management tool
HTML-based application
through which an application-server configuration
can be modified. It also allows for the viewing of
statistics of resources and services deployed on
application servers, starting and stopping services,
and adding topics, queues, and data sources.
Pet Store
Pet Store is a sample J2EE application
from Sun Microsystems, which showcases the
power and flexibility of the J2EE platform.
A queue is a JMS construct that allows for
point-to-point messaging between applications.
A message sent to a queue can be received by only
one application. When several applications are
subscribed to the queue, the messages are load
balanced between the subscribers.
Computer running Mac OS X Server.
Topics are one of the message distribution
center types for J2EE-based applications. Message
senders send messages only to topics instead of
specific applications, while only the applications
interested in receiving messages sent to a
particular topic subscribe to the topic and,
therefore, receive the messages sent to it. A topic
can have one or more subscribers. Any message
sent to the topic is broadcasted to all the topic’s
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