Creating a data source, Creating a topic or a queue, Figure 4-7 – Apple Mac OS X Server v10.3 User Manual

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Figure 4-7

The JBoss Management Console window showing the Start or Stop Services pane

Creating a Data Source

You can create a data source while managing or configuring application servers. To do so, select the
application server you want to add the data source to in the server list. Next, enter the name of the
data source in the Datasource Name text field in the Create a Datasource group in the Host Information
pane, choose a data-source type from the Datasource Type pop-up menu, and click Create Datasource.

Enter the appropriate information in the Local TX Datasource pane, and click Update.


Make sure to enter a unique JNDI name in the Jndi Name text field of the Local TX Datasource


The newly added data source appears under the Resources group in the application-server list.

Creating a Topic or a Queue

You can create a topic or a queue while managing or configuring an application server. Follow these
steps to create a topic or a queue:


In the application server list, select the application server you want to add the topic or queue to.


From the Topic or Queue pop-up menu in the Create a Topic or Queue group in the Host
Information pane, choose Topic or Queue.

Creating a Data Source


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C H A P T E R 4

Administering Application Servers