Apple Logic Pro 7 (TDM Guide) User Manual
Page 42

export To create a version of a file, such as a Logic song, in a different format that can
be distributed and used by other applications.
Freeze function The Freeze function performs individual offline bounce processes for
each “frozen” track, saving almost 100% of the CPU power used for software
instruments and effect plug-ins. All plug-ins of a track (including software instrument
plug-ins, if applicable, along with all related automation data) are rendered into a
“Freeze file”. You can use the Freeze function on individual Audio or Audio Instrument
grab (an object) Positioning the mouse cursor over an object, then pressing and
holding the mouse button down.
hierarchical menu Structured menus where choosing an individual entry opens a
importing The process of bringing files of various types into a Logic project or song.
Imported files can be created in another application, captured from another device, or
brought in from another Logic project.
Input Object Audio Object in the Environment’s Audio Layer. The Input Object
represents the physical inputs of your audio interface and helps managing audio from
your audio interface into Logic.
Insert slot A point on Logic’s Mixers where you can patch in (insert) an effect plug-in.
All audio channel types in Logic’s Track and Audio Mixers (except the Master Object)
offer effect insert slots.
interface 1) A hardware component such as a MIDI or audio device that allows Logic
to “interface” (connect) with the outside world. You need an audio or MIDI interface to
get sound/MIDI into and out of your computer. Also see audio interface. 2) A term that
is used to describe Logic’s graphical elements that can be interacted with. An example
would be the Arrange window, where graphical interface elements such as Regions are
interacted with to create an arrangement, within the overall Arrange interface.
key command Function which can be executed by pressing a specific key (or key
combination) on your computer keyboard or MIDI controller.
latency You may notice a delay between playing your keyboard and hearing the
sound. This is a form of latency. A variety of factors contribute to latency including
audio interface, audio and MIDI drivers. One factor under you control, however, is the
I/O buffer size, which is set in the Audio > Audio Hardware & Drivers preferences.
local menu Menu in a window that only contains functions that are relevant to that
particular window.