Idvd tutorial, Before you begin, Chapter – Apple iDVD 5 User Manual

Page 18

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iDVD Tutorial

This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process
of creating a simple iDVD project using your own movies,
photos, and music.

To create an iDVD project, you must first select a theme from the list in the Themes
pane. iDVD provides a variety of professionally designed themes to use for your DVD
menus. Customize the theme by adding your own background music, photos, or video
loops. Then add buttons that link to your movies and slideshows. You can create several
levels of menus to organize your movies and slideshows on a single DVD.

This tutorial takes you through each of these steps to create a basic DVD. You can
follow each step or just the parts of the tutorial you want. When you are done, you will
have a complete project ready to burn on a DVD. As you move through the tutorial,
you’ll also see tips for alternative ways of doing tasks as well as how to find out more
information about them from iDVD’s onscreen help system.

Before You Begin

To make it easier to do the tasks in this tutorial, print the document before you start.

In many tasks shown in this lesson and in iDVD Help, you need to choose menu
commands, which look like this:

Choose Edit > Copy.

The first term after Choose is the name of a menu in the iDVD menu bar. The next term
(or terms) are the items you choose from that menu. Page 18 Friday, December 10, 2004 10:27 AM