Installing by package (pkg) and metapackage (mpkg) – Apple Remote Desktop 2.2 User Manual
Page 59

Chapter 3
Administering Computers
Installing by Package (pkg) and Metapackage (mpkg)
You can install new software automatically and without user intervention by copying
installer packages (.pkg or .mpkg files) to one or more remote clients using Mac OS X
version 10.2 or later. Apple Remote Desktop copies the package to the computers you
choose, runs the installer with no visible window or user interaction required, and then
erases the installer files upon completion.
You can install multiple packages in succession. When you execute installation of
multiple packages, ARD copies over a package, installs it, and then copies and installs
the next package until finished.
It is not possible to stop the installation of a package. Once the installation starts, it will
complete (assuming no errors occur on the client). However, you can click the Stop
button to stop any additional packages (in a multiple-package install) from being
copied over and installed.
Alternatively, an administrator with access to Apple Developer Tools can use the
PackageMaker application to create a “metapackage” that contains several installers to
be run in sequence. In addition to creating metapackages, you can also use
PackageMaker to create packages for custom software that your organization may have
developed. More information about making and using packages and metapackages is
available through the Apple Developer Connection website:
To copy and install software using a .pkg file:
Select a computer list.
Select one or more computers in the Remote Desktop window.
Choose Manage > Install Packages.
Select a .pkg or .mpkg file to install.
Click Install.
During installation, a progress bar appears on the administrator’s screen. No progress
bars appear on the client computer. The package copied is deleted from the client
computer if an error occurs during installation. However, a failed installation may leave
behind other files created by the installer.
Note: Client computers are not restarted automatically after an installation is complete.
If restarting is necessary, use the Restart command to restart selected computers after
using the Install Packages command.