I, j – Apple PowerBook (3400 series) User Manual
Page 191

hard disk drives
problems using 107
reinitializing hard disk 124
special memory requirements 82
spinning down 6
testing 123–124
using computer as 63–65
demo 78
diagram 4
network 74
safety instructions 143–144
hardware problems
external monitors 109–110
floppy disk drive 106–107
keyboard 108
PowerBook display 108–109
printers 110–112
RAM or cache diagnostic error 106
safety instructions 143–144
SCSI devices 112–114
trackpad 107–108
health-related information 137–139
Apple Assistance Center 9, 93
application programs 79
Balloon Help 7, 38
basics 18–19
demos 78
Guide (?) menu 29
Mac OS Guide 37
Mac OS Tutorial 18–19
online 7–9, 30–36, 79
printed 9
shortcuts 39–40
high-density 3.5-inch disks 182–183
I, J
applications programs 21
battery 85
blinking in menu bar 104
bomb 93
Disk First Aid 126
disk with flashing question mark 16,
97, 113, 125
documents 21
Drive Setup 123
Ethernet 175
folders 21
hard disk 21
lightning bolt 87
low-power warning 66
modem 175
opening 21
PowerBook 3400 Demo 78
sad Macintosh 95
System Folder 100
Trash 21
unusual looking 104
ID number (SCSI), choosing 64–65
Index button 31, 33–35
indicator lights 4
communications regulation vii
finding 7–9
health-related 137–142
laser viii
learning materials 6–7
for new users 18–19
safety 143–144
service and support 9, 93
infrared communication
file transfer 75–76
window 4, 59
installer disks, making from disk images